God Pleaser
We speak as messengers approved by God to be entrusted with the Good News. Our purpose is to please God, not people. He alone examines the motives of our hearts.
1 Thessalonians 2:4
Please God
Not People
Please God
Not People
Please God
Not People
Please God
Not People
Please God
Not People
Please God
Not People
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Embrace Your Authentic Self and Break Free from People Pleasing

I'm Dominique,
Founder of God Pleaser
If you’re anything like me, then you know a thing or two, maybe even three about People-pleasing. People-pleasing has been the main character in my story for quite some time. As a kid, I learned how to parent-please which caused me to develop stress and anxiety when I failed to meet expectations others. As an adult, I regularly took on extra work, even if I did not have the time, often overcommitted to plans, responsibilities, or projects, and I avoided advocating for my own needs.
My desire to help people often blinded me from the detrimental consequences of my yes. In many ways, since I knew what it felt like to need help, I always wanted to give it. In some instances, I felt like I owed it as if it was a debt to be paid. When you don’t know who you are or whose you are it’s easy to create and rationalize some barter system that does not exist. This mindset led me to overextending myself to people that were not assigned to me. I became so invested in the business of others that I neglected to tend to the business of my own. I lost myself.

I needed to embrace my true Identity
Did you know that it’s possible to people-please so much that you lose yourself? You start to become what others desire so much that you lose your sense of self. You don’t know who you are, what you like, and why you like it? At the height of my people-pleasing, I felt like I was in the ocean struggling to stay afloat without a lifejacket. I allowed the chaos that occurred in the lives of others to become my own. I became driven by the fear of disappointing people and not by the fear of disappointing God.
One day, I had enough, I was desperate for change and no longer wanted to live to please people. I wanted to please God. I pleaded to God for help and to reveal to me what I needed to do to get out of this mess. He told me to mind his business. His business included getting to know him, prioritizing him, and most of all, trusting him. This time my yes did not come with detrimental consequences. It came with assurance, boldness, validation, and confidence in God.

I stopped trying to be everything to everyone.
I developed and implemented boundaries. I started serving at church and joined a bible study. I accepted that if I am going to please God, I must be willing to live with the fact that I will disappoint people. There is no way around it and that’s okay. Through doing the personal work, God Pleaser was born.
To be clear, I haven’t figured out everything there is to know about People-pleasing. What I do know is that self-confidence cannot be placed in jobs, spouses, education, or talents and abilities. When we put our trust in external things, we risk disappointment because they are all subject to change. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8 NLT).
He was reliable yesterday, He is reliable today, and He will be reliable tomorrow. We can trust Him and find comfort in his plans and promises.

godly confidence
Self-confidence must be destroyed and replaced with dependence upon God. Confidence in God will provide the ultimate strength that is needed to take risks when we’re called to step out on faith. His assurance requires our trust which we can willingly give when we know that he is in control. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens you (Philippians 4:13 KJV). We can always find peace and comfort in God being in control because he removes the torment of fear and doubt.
Ultimately, my deepest hope is that the message of God Pleaser empowers you to accept yourself and set you free from people-pleasing. I pray that confidence in God brings out the best in you, assures you, and that you boldly follow God in the face of your fears. I pray that you have a bold and humble heart that is relentlessly seeking God. That you realize that there is beauty in doing things imperfectly because it leaves room for God to put the super on your natural. May you always believe in greater. After all, you are a God Pleaser!
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No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.
Matthew 5:15-16